Le tuto que je vais vous proposer est complètement différent de celui-ci : Linksys WRT54GL + Firmware DD-WRT + AceVPN en OpenVPN car j’ utilise ici StrongVPN, une autre méthode de configuration et surtout il fonctionne très bien. Trois pré-requis: Il faut télécharger deux logiciels et un fichier.

DD-WRT est un OS pour routeurs qui donne accés à des fonctionnalités avancées. Dans ce court article je vous présente rapidement l'OS DD-WRT pour les routeurs WiFi compatibles et les fonctionnalités avancées auquelles il vous donne accés. Xbox 360 configuration - DD-WRT settings Advanced Tutorials. These tutorials require a certain degree of knowledge about general networking that some new users may or may not understand. Also, check out the Advanced tutorials Category. Advanced Wireless 30/04/2014 · Back by some demand, I'm reposting the DD-WRT videos. I think a lot of people have old Linksys models sitting around their house and, hey, might as well make use of them right? This video is part Example Configuration. Using the DD-WRT based buffalo firmware on a WHR-HP-G300N the following configuration works great My router's IP address is set to DHCP gives addresses from to PPTP 1. Server Enable 2. broadcast support enable 3. force encryption enable 4. server ip 5. client ip 6

As far as how you configure the router wrt the WAN (DHCP vs. static IP, dynamic vs. static DNS, etc.) is totally irrelevant to the OpenVPN client. You should be able to connect the OpenVPN client even if you used a default configuration w/ the WAN. Only issue (as is always the case, whether using a VPN or not) is making sure your VPN router's local network and the upstream/primary router are

DD-WRT Configuration. My home DD-WRT configuration for privacy, security, and performance. Documenting mostly so I can remember my preferred settings whenever I update/reset the router. All settings are kept as default unless otherwise noted below. Sensitive information is annotated with "{REDACTED}". Current Router. Netgear R7800. Current DD 05/09/2007

Configuration du Firmware DD-WRT Pour terminer l'installation, il ne reste qu'à insérer le script de configuration. Connectez-vous à l'application My WiFi en vous connectant à l'adresse suivante https://app.mywifiservice.com .
